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You are invited to a day-long event highlighting LGBTQ+ history both modern and ancient. Expert speakers will  talk about events in LGBTQ+ history and archaeology. Discover that there is much more historical and archaeological evidence of the LGBTQ+ community that what is commonly found in traditional accounts of the past. As my Senior Capstone project, this event is geared toward high school and college LGBTQ+ students and allies. Seating is limited, so register today!

Location: Garland Hall at
Vanderbilt University
October 27, 2018
8:30 AM-2:30 PM
High School & College Students
Only 40 spots avaliable!
Students in Middle Tennessee: Looking for an opportunity to learn more about LGBTQ+ history?


   At Filling In the Blanks, students will get the chance to hear from four marvelous speakers on a variety of LGBTQ+ historical topics.  They are coming from  MTSU and  Vanderbilt University. Each one is an expert on their topic who has volunteered to promote marginalized history.

   We also have a new session that will have tables with modern artifacts on display. These stations will discuss the biases that exist in archaeology about gender and sexuality. How does bias present when uncovering a burial or applying sex to skeletons? How does this affect us today?


   After attending each topic, students will work in groups and write a skit detailing what you learned in one of the sessions. Individuals from the local theater community will be assisting this process. These skits will be performed and judged. Each member of the group with the highest score will receive movie tickets!


   Come and learn some buried treasure from history!

What is erasure?

   Erasure is the destruction of evidence of something. This can happen while talking about an individual experience, a culture, or parts of history. It is often used as a tool to suppress marginalized communities. For the LGBTQ+ community erasure commonly looks like calling any research or history inappropriate for consumption. What little did exist was- and still is- discounted, kept under lock and key, or even burned.

Why is combating historical erasure important?

  • It is a common belief that LGBTQ+ identities have not existed before the 2000s and that coming out as a such is a modern "fad." However, if the long history of sexual orientations and gender identities/ expressions (SOGEI) could be shared this provides proof that being LGBTQ+ is not some sort of "fluke." Which has a large potential to increase acceptance.

  • Learning about erasure of any kind helps individuals to look past their own experiences

  • A community that is often told that they do not exist and their experiences are invalid needs to see itself in history. There is strength in knowing you are not alone. 

  • Everyone's story has value and deserves to be shared. 



These are the wonderful breakout sessions we are offering!

         Maya​ B. Krause & Anjeli Chapman




 A special thanks to the sponsors who made this event possible!

Independent Donors:

Shae Crowell

Anthony Cox

Kate Ellenberger

Lara Loewl

  • Department of Anthropology

  • K.C. Potter Center

  • Women & Gender Studies



Keep up to date by following our Instagram page!!

Filling In the Blanks: Combating LGBTQ+ Erasure. 2018 by Terrance Loewl.






Lara Loewl

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